The flag of Tasmania (a state within Australia) comprises a Blue Ensign with the state's emblem, a red lion passant, positioned within a white circle on the fly side of the flag. The flag of Tasmania was adopted following the proclamation of colonial Governor Sir Frederick Weld on 25 September 1876; however, the flag was not officially adopted by the government of Tasmania until nearly a century later in 1975. The flag of Tasmania has remained nearly unchanged since 1876, with only a small change to the style of the lion in 1975. The ratio of the flag of Tasmania is 1:2.
There is no official government record of how the lion became the emblem on the flag of Tasmania; however, it is generally assumed to be a nod to the colony's links to England.
When flown alongside the Australian national flag and the flags of the other five Australian states, the flag of Tasmania is seventh in order of precedence (this is due to its position on the Commonwealth Coat of Arms).

The flag of Tasmania flying