Scotland (St Andrew's) flag
The flag of Scotland consists of a white saltire on a blue background. The first recording of the flag being used in Scotland is believed to have been in Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount's "Register of Scottish Arms" circa 1542.
The flag is also known as the St Andrew's Cross. St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, a tradition which began sometime in the 13th or 14th century AD. The saltire design was first used as a field sign in medieval times and is not believed to have any connection to Saint Andrew.
The flag of Scotland is incorporated into the design of the Union Flag, a flag which represents the whole of the United Kingdom.
The government of Scotland has declared that the flag should fly on all of its buildings each day from 8am through until sunset. The only exception to this guidance is for days of significance to the United Kingdom where the Union Flag should take precedent. The flag of Scotland may be flown at any time by any individual or organisation without obtaining government consent.

The flag of Scotland