
French Guiana 2010-2015

French Guiana 2010-2015 flag

This French Guiana 2010-2015 flag was a flag design unilaterally adopted by the general council of the overseas department of French Guiana on 29 January 2010. This flag was not officially recognised by the superior regional council and ceased use in 2015 after the general council was disbanded. As an overseas region/department of France, the official present day flag of French Guiana is the French flag.

This French Guiana 2010-2015 flag is a diagonal bicolour flag with the colour yellow in the lower hoist section of the flag and the colour green in the upper fly section of the flag. A five pointed red star sits at the centre of the flag.

French Guiana 2010-2015 flag 150x90cm
Dimensions for flag 1500x900mm
French Guiana 2010-2015 150x90cm polyester flag with double stitched hems, the hoist edge has two eyelets.
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